Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- travel expenses
The Federal Ministry of Education, Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport (Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport) awards grants to young Austrian artists.
In order to promote stays abroad for young artists (bildende Künstler/innen), the Austrian federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur) rents flats-ateliers in different countries including France (Paris). Two Parisian appartements-ateliers situated at the Cité internationale des Arts, in the city center, are available for artists; one is dedicated to sculptors.
Grant of €1,700/month, travel expenses are borne by the institution and a flat-atelier is provided.
Apply before December 31, 2024.