About the programme
The aim of this CRC Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling initiative at Leipzig University is to understand the structural dynamics of ligand binding, signal transduction, and downstream control of G protein- and arrestin-signaling pathways using native ligands as well as artificial probe molecules in conjunction with hybrid methods of structural biology including NMR, X-ray (conventional and serial protein X-ray crystallography at synchrotrons and free electron lasers), cryo-electron microscopy, mass spectrometry and computational methods (molecular modeling and dynamics).
Phenomena such as biased signaling are tackled using assays that target specific signaling pathways. Results are tied in with a phylogenetic analysis of GPCRs, arrestins and G proteins. One goal of the CRC is to clarify the dynamic structural states of these GPCRs in order to understand their functions. This could lead to the development of novel therapeutics for this class of GPCRs.
Programme Structure
Research projects include:
- Structural elucidation of neuropeptide GPCRs
- Investigation of the structure and dynamics of the ghrelin/GHS receptor complex
- Characterizing the molecular interactions of Y1 and Y2 receptors with NPY
- Characterizing the molecular interaction between the Y receptor and arrestin
- Structures of adhesion GPCR by cryo-electron microscopy
- Enzymology of autoproteolysis and signaling function of the GAIN domain in adhesion GPCRs
- Innovative Rosetta algorithms for comparative modeling and docking of GPCRs
Key information
- Full-time
- 36 months
Start dates & application deadlines
- StartingApply anytime.
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Academic requirements
We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme.
English requirements
We are not aware of any English requirements for this programme.
Student insurance
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- Additional medical costs (i.e. dental)
- Repatriation, if something happens to you or your family
- Liability
- Home contents and baggage
- Accidents
- Legal aid
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Remember, countries and universities may have specific insurance requirements. To learn more about how student insurance work at Leipzig University and/or in Germany, please visit Student Insurance Portal.
Other requirements
General requirements
- dated and signed application form
- written confirmation from your supervisor (supervision agreement)
- CV
- secondary school leaving certificate (certified copy)
- evidence of university entrance examination (certified copy), if applicable
- evidence of all university degrees (certified copies), e.g. bachelor’s, master’s, Diplom)
- Transcripts of Records from all secondary and university qualifications (certified copies)
- evidence of your knowledge of German at DSH-2 level, if the doctorate will be in German (certified copy)
- evidence of your knowledge of English, if the doctorate will be in English
- confirmation of admission to a faculty’s list of doctoral candidates, if already available (confirmation can otherwise be submitted within one semester)
Tuition Fee
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 EUR per semester during 36 months. -
FreeTuition FeeBased on the tuition of 0 EUR per semester during 36 months.
- Students pay a semester fee (EUR 253,50)
Living costs for Leipzig
The living costs include the total expenses per month, covering accommodation, public transportation, utilities (electricity, internet), books and groceries.
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Scholarships Information
Below you will find PhD's scholarship opportunities for Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling.
Available Scholarships
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