Tokyo Tech's history spans more than 130 years. Tokyo Tech originated as the Tokyo Vocational School in 1881, survived the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the ensuing campus move from Kuramae to Ookayama in 1924, saw the change of status to a degree conferring university in 1929, and continues from the present day into the future.
The need for science and technology universities in the 21st century is paramount. Society is experiencing many problems -- the environment, energy, food supplies, water, aging populations, medicine and nursing care, disaster prevention, etc. Science and technology must contribute to the solution of these problems, and it is our role to show the way.
However, these global issues cannot be solved by simply pursuing one's expertise in science and technology. The solution requires talented individuals who have acquired a liberal arts education and the skills to communicate with people from other cultures.
Tokyo Tech is working to promote world-class research by encouraging international collaborative projects and building an international research environment. The Institute is actively involved in collaborations with the world's top universities and research institutes, sending Tokyo Tech researchers overseas and welcoming international researchers to the Institute.
Tokyo Tech has a proud history of supporting students' employment and career development For decades, faculty members and administrative staff in each graduate and undergraduate department have provided detailed advice on employment that makes the most of students' respective fields of expertise. Moreover, laboratory supervisors offer career guidance to suit each student's personality and aspirations.
Tokyo Institute of Technology Scholarships
Below you will find scholarships related to Tokyo Institute of Technology. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.
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University Ranking
Housing services
Umegaoka Dormitory
- Furnishings and Equipment : light, closet, desk, chair, bookshelf, bed, desk lamp, curtain.
- Common facilities : common shower room, common laundry room and common toilet and central heating/cooling system. Every floor has also a common kitchen.
- Furnishings and Equipment : light, closet, desk, chair, bookshelf, bed, desk lamp, refrigerator, curtain, air conditioner.
- Common facilities : common shower room, common laundry, common toilet there is a common kitchen on every floor.
Library services
The Ookayama library is a must-see sight for its architectural beauty and value. The Library makes its collection available to outside researchers under certain conditions.
Campus life
The Main Building maintains its value as an example of modern architecture from the early Showa period. It has witnessed much of the history of Tokyo Tech and has become a symbol of Ookayama Campus. (Not open to the public)
Sports facilities
Equipped with an arena and a heated swimming pool on the first floor, and a weight training room and a martial arts hall in the basement, the gymnasium (Ookayama Area) is widely used for PE classes, circle / club activities and students' and faculty members' sports activities.
Tokyo Tech was found to satisfy all standards specified for evaluation and accreditation of universities and receive d accreditation in March 2008 and in March 2015, respectively.