
Iran University of Science and Technology

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Iran University of Science and Technology was originally founded in 1929 as the first Iranian institution to train engineers. With more than 82 years of experience, IUST was initially named the State Technical Institute, and later it was named Honarsaraye A'li, i.e., Advanced Art College.


The collegiate system is at the heart of the university’s success, giving students and academics the benefits of belonging to an internationally renowned institution and an interdisciplinary academic community. Through its schools and departments, IUST offers outstanding programs and degrees in about 100 fields.


IUST Research and Technology Division forms one of the university keystones in expanding fundamental research and providing the society with scientific and applied services, and further promotes the national and international status of university. IUST has a strong reputation for training and educating future research leaders for public and private sectors. Its profile is further strengthened by the recruitment of eminent researchers and their outstanding teams.

Iran University of Science and Technology Scholarships

Below you will find scholarships related to Iran University of Science and Technology. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.

For a complete overview of scholarships for Iran University of Science and Technology, visit our scholarship search.

University Ranking

World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
351 50
401 100
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
436 15
451 80
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
901 -100
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
789 90
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Library services

Development of the library buildings and expanding collections of the central library has always been one of the major preoccupations of university authorities. The expansion of educational fields and research activities in IUST has faced the library with challenging requirements and obliged it to meet world's standards for libraries.

Sports facilities

IUST Sport is an experience of a lifetime! Not only student-athletes earn a degree, they will develop skills in addition to gaining an experience that will last forever. For over eighty years, learning and research at IUST has played a major part in the success of the city, the region and the nation. For almost as long, the university has pioneered the development of physical education and sport at all levels – from absolute beginner to the support of national and international class performers.


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