Ariel University began modestly as a regional college in the 1980s. In 1994, at AU fewer than 300 students were pursuing academic degrees. After a period of accelerated growth the number of students registered for the 2008-2009 academic year reached 11,000.
The fabric of Israeli society continues to become more complex from day to day. Its basic diversity, while providing a rich panorama of cultural expression, also opens the door to problems of alienation and tension between different population groups. The leadership of Ariel University believes that by pursuing the goals it was founded upon, it will play an important role in mending the gaps between these groups and provide new opportunities for all of their students to realize their personal potential to the fullest.
From its inception, Ariel University has integrated research and development into its prime goal of educating the next generation of Israelis. The founders of the AU foresaw the contribution that cutting edge Israeli science and technology could provide back when the country's main exports were still agricultural. The influx of newcomers from the Former Soviet Union during the 1990s presented an even greater opportunity. Harnessing the creativity and knowledge of Russian-trained scientists, AU ventured into new fields of endeavor.
Upon successful completion of the program, they may enroll in the faculty of their choice and graduate with a degree.
Ariel University Scholarships
Below you will find scholarships related to Ariel University. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.
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University Ranking
Housing services
Ariel University makes an effort to enable all students to live in the dormitory complex, in sizeable and comfortable apartment buildings or in on-campus pleasant caravans. The number of dorm rooms is large but limited.
Library services
AU's library is an academic library which concentrates material on all the study and research fields of the institute, under one roof. The library supplies a variety of services to the members of the academic faculty, the students, the Research Authority, the technological incubator and all the lecturers.
Campus life
Ariel University makes an effort to enable all students to live in the dormitory complex, in sizeable and comfortable apartment buildings or in on-campus pleasant caravans. The number of dorm rooms is large but limited. Service facilities in the dorm area include: a laundromat, grocery store, synagogue and student club house. The dorm staff makes every effort to ensure the comfort of dorm residents.
Sports facilities
For the students' enjoyment there are recreational corners in the dormitory complex with wireless internet connection, picnic tables, barbecue grills and water fountains.We are happy and proud to open the fitness room. Please keep the facility neat and clean as use it as you would your home.
Departments marked with a star are in the process of final accreditation by the Israel Council of Higher Education.