
University of Liège

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The University of Liège doesn't have a "long" history: many universities in Europe date back to the middle ages. Nevertheless, ULiège also has ties to that period. And for two centuries, its rich and abundant history is also that of the Europe after the Treaty of Vienna, then with the history of Belgium and its scientific, social and cultural, economic, and industrial destiny.


Through its teaching, ULiège makes every effort to help everyone build their futures, now and throughout their lives. At the University of Liège, we offer 38 Bachelor degrees in various subject areas and after each of them there are more than 10 Masters to choose from. The master programmes are offered in all knowledge areas, in French or English, during the day or otherwise.


ULiège combines basic research with applied research to facilitate interdisciplinarity and contacts between scientists.

In research, the University of Liège offers numerous possibilities for:

  • companies or organisations, both from the public and private sectors, that wish to develop collaborations or subcontract certain research tasks;
  • second-cycle graduates who wish to be trained in research and to obtain a PhD;
  • post-doctoral researchers who are looking to broaden the range of their activities as part of one of our renowned research teams;
  • experienced researchers interested in an academic position combining teaching activities with conducting first-rate research activities.


Among the most important employers in the Liège region, ULiège generates from its several sites more than 5,000 direct jobs, comprised of 3,300 teachers and researchers, and approximately 1,700 management, administrative, technical and labour staff members. Here this varied panel of professions meets the needs of the institution as well as the challenges of a constant changing society and technology.

University of Liège Scholarships

Below you will find scholarships related to University of Liège. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.

Independent provider
Various benefits
Not specified
DFL Scholarship Program

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Daughters for Life Foundation
Location not available
Independent provider
Various benefits
Not specified
Erasmus+ - Grants for study mobility

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OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Location not available
Independent provider
10000 USD
01 Sep 2025
The PhD Prep Fellowship

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Admit Lab
Location not available
Independent provider
1000 USD
09 Jul 2025
Dream Chaser Scholarship

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Salvado Law
Location not available
Independent provider
90000 AUD
Not specified
World Universities Ramsay Postgraduate Scholarship
Merit-based Need-based

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The Ramsay Centre
Location not available
Independent provider
3000 USD
31 Dec 2025
Scholarship for students with disabilities

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Anonymous Hope Fund
Location not available
Independent provider
3000 USD
Not specified
AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid
Merit-based Need-based

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American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation
Location not available
Independent provider
1000 USD
20 May 2025
PlagiarismSearch 2025 Essay Contest

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Location not available
Independent provider
1000 USD
01 Mar 2025
Voice Talent Online Scholarship
Merit-based Need-based

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Voice Talent Online
Location not available
Independent provider
5000 USD
Not specified
International Conference Scholarship

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International Society of Women Airline Pilots
Location not available

For a complete overview of scholarships for University of Liège, visit our scholarship search.

University Ranking

World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
251 50
301 50
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
396 25
421 100
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
381 -21
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Student services

The International Relations Office implements the media needed for the internationalisation of the institution:

  • Mobility of individuals: PhD students, professors, administrative staff in mobility programmes, notably the European Erasmus programme
  • The management of partnerships and agreements that regulate these mobilities or the design of a general framework for collaborations with higher education institutions
  • The project structuring intended for mobility or the development of joint training programmes

Housing services

ULiège is based mainly in Liège, downtown and on the Sart Tilman university sector, located 10 km to the South. Finding housing there is very easy. A multitude of possibilities, at very affordable prices, make of it the least expensive University City of Belgium. Indeed, in addition to university residences, roughly 7,000 student apartments are available in all districts of the city and around the Sart Tilman campus (rooms, studios, apartments, houses).

Library services

The Libraries of the University of Liège are meant to be made available to members of the university community and to the public the information and documentation that they need in their roles as learners, teachers, and researchers. The Network is also the guarantor of an exceptional heritage that it is tasked with preserving and promoting.

ICT services

The General IT Department (SEGI) was created in 1981 by the Board of Directors of the University and reports directly to it. The SEGI is proficient in logistics in all areas of automatic information processing.

Campus life

The University of Liège’s campuses offer a fulfilling environment, a framework conducive to studies in cosmopolitan and friendly student cities.

The only complete public university in francophone Belgium, the University of Liège is historically rooted in the heart of the "Ardent City" since 200 years. It is currently deployed in 3 Walloon provinces, within 4 campuses bringing together 10 Faculties and 1 School of Management.

Sports facilities

Physical activity is essential for health. It plays an undeniable role in the prevention of conditions such as cardiovascular diseases. It also allows one to feel good about one's body and to reduce stress. Convinced of these benefits, the University of Liège integrates sports into the health policy that it wishes to develop for the staff, the students and even for those outside the institution.

The RCAE, the ULiège Sport Department, offers nearly 70 physical and sports activities at "student" prices for members of the ULiège community. The RCAE also has agreements with the Rugby FC Liégeois.

Student clubs

Because student life at ULiège goes well beyond the hours spent in the amphitheatres, several associations are active on the campuses with the mission to bring together a community of strong students via the organisation of various actions and events, but also by representing them and supporting them in their projects.

In addition to the Fédé, a multitude of student associations are from different faculties that are circles of students composed of student volunteers who organise different activities within the Faculty/section. There are also the Interfaculty circles that bring together students of all faculties.


ULiège benefits from the three labels of the European Commission: ECTS, Diploma Supplement, and HR Strategy for Researchers. 

Liège, Walloon Region, Belgium

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