Roskilde University was originally established in order to challenge academic traditions and to experiment with new ways to create and acquire knowledge
Sustainable solutions for the major future challenges can not be solved with one professionalism alone. Therefore, all our educational programs are interdisciplinary , so you are equipped to solve real-life complex problems.
We involve the outside world in our research, in our identification and understanding of the nature of problems and in the dialogue regarding possible solutions for the benefit of both the local community and the rest of the world. We are also constantly engaged in developing new ways to interact with the world around us, in order to ensure that the university's reach extends as far as possible into the outside world and that the world reaches even further into the university. Everyone should be able to draw on the knowledge that we create at Roskilde University, and we should be able to draw on knowledge from everyone.
Roskilde University Scholarships
Below you will find scholarships related to Roskilde University. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.
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University Ranking
Student services
Student House RUC is an open and inclusive gathering place for all students at Roskilde University, where you can hold meetings, organize events, assembled on activities and meet for social and professional interaction. The Student House helps to spread the activities of all the students and the outside world.
Library services
As a research library RUb is responsible for providing Roskilde University staff and students access to information and materials needed for research, teaching and learning.Since RUb also is a public library, regional research and educational institutions, businesses and citizens are free to enjoy our many materials and services.
Campus life
- Life at the university is more than attending classes and conducting research. On campus there are many facillities for sports and social time together, indoors and outdoors.
- Two multi courts, soccer, disc golf course, nature trails along lakes, streams and fields, a gym, innovation workshops, kitchen gardens, a student house, a canteen, sofa lounges, a cinema, etc. are all places to meet for social moments.
- There are many clubs that you can choose to engage in, from nature conservation to choir to robot building. And you can create your own club - perhaps an evening of ignite-speak, build-a-city garden or performance poetry. Campus can be what you make of it.
Student clubs
Association Student House RUC is based on a voluntary commitment where the students, together with each other, work to drive a house that gathers and engages all students at Roskilde University. There will be access for all, with benefits for students with valid student ID.