Scholarship type
Number of scholarships to award
Scholarship coverage
- tuition fee reduction
The Nippon Foundation and the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation are offering up to 30 postgraduate studentships per year on the study of Japan to students across the UK.
Applicable programmes
Value: £15,000 (for one year, awardees can reapply in subsequent years)
In order to be nominated by UCL you must:
- Be either a current student at another university and will attend UCL as a Master's or PhD student;
- Be a current student at UCL and either registered on a two-year Master's and entering year 2 or currently registered on an MPhil/PhD programme and not entering your writing-up year AND;
- Hold at least a 2:1 or overseas equivalent in your undergraduate degree;
- Be intending to study/research any aspect of Japanese studies but particularly politics, economics, and international relations;
- If you are a PhD student, you must be intending to write your thesis on Japan or if you are enrolled on a Master's programme where the primary focus is on Japan, your major coursework and modules are on Japan and you are planning to write your final Master's thesis on Japan.
- You are not already in receipt of a full scholarship from another source. We will also consider financial need.
Scholarship requirements
Study experience required
Application deadline
You will need to complete the Sasakawa application and return to the Student Funding Office.
You will also need to arrange for your course tutor/supervisor to complete Sasakawa reference
They will then review your application and, if all eligibility criteria are met, nominate you to the foundation for an award by their specified deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered for nomination.