In 1813, Gheorghe Asachi, one of the most influential people of his generation, founded the first school of land surveyors and civil engineers with instruction in Romanian language. This school can be considered the core of technical higher education in Moldova.
After several reforms in education, on 17 May 1993, the institution’s name became Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi.
The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi is among the oldest and well known institutions from the country, having an important tradition in engineering, scientific and cultural education, with a distinguishable presence on the international level. The university trains engineers with high qualifications, able to respond quickly and efficiently to the requirements of innovation, research and economic development.
TUIASI develops programmes for undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral studies as well as scientific research in 14 research areas.
TUIASI has an important research dimension, with 23 accredited research/excellence centres and laboratories focused on creating and transferring knowledge.
The activity in the area of scientific research, innovation and technology transfer in multi- and trans-disciplinary fields for the last three years (2014-2016) has been materialised in: 174 research grants, won by national competitions, 26 grants performed in international competitions, 227 research contracts realised on the basis of industrial requests and contracts.
TUIASI has strong ties with national and international businesses. Within big companies like Microsoft, Delphi, Continental, Amazon there are a lot of former TUIASI students.
During their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral studies, our students have access to specialised courses, academic mentoring at the highest level, according to each specialisation’s features, internships and company presentations in faculties who are looking for future employees since the late III-IV bachelor's study years.
Also, in our professional network there are 73 higher education institutions worldwide and over 300 national and international companies.
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) Scholarships
Below you will find scholarships related to Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI). Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.
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University Ranking
Student services
The International Affairs Office is willing to assist students in accommodating to our university, city and country, by offering general information on daily life. The time spent as a student of our university could be a unique experience, in which academic duties will mix with the city’s bursting cultural life.
If students and prospective students have particular questions concerning their studies (like tuition fee, accommodation, the choice of courses, course schedule, etc) the student dean and secretary from each faculty can help them with a lot of information.Housing services
Like most Romanian students coming from different regions of the country and many foreign students you could choose to live on campus. University accommodation means 21 dorms in ‘Tudor Vladimirescu’ Student Campus, with more than 7,500 places in 2,700 rooms. Also, there is a new and modern cafeteria, where you can eat tasty food at cheap prices.
Library services
Established as a reference and research technical library, TUIASI Library has a central library and six branches. It is recognised as one of the most beautiful in the world and integrates new technology into traditional learning and research.
ICT services
On campus students will have access to Internet services, free of charge, so they can stay in touch with friends and family and never miss a Facebook post, an Instagram image or a tweet.
Medical services
The Student Health Service (Policlinica Studenţească) offers a full range of medical services to students and it is located on campus. All international students have access to free consultation from doctors and hospital treatment.
Campus life
TUIASI is constantly striving to build a friendly, comfortable and safe atmosphere, so our students have at their disposal a wide range of facilities at excellent standards.
On campus, which is one of the largest university campuses in Romania, there are modern residence halls, a new cafeteria with affordable prices, a counselling centre where students are welcome to enjoy new experiences through personal development, professional and voluntary programs developed by the University, sports facilities with special rates for students and free-of-charge laundry services for TUIASI students from eight residence halls.
Sports facilities
Life as a TUIASI student isn’t all about work, courses and research. We promote a healthy lifestyle experience through sports and leisure facilities, providing two modern and fully equipped gym halls, six playing fields, fitness and aerobic centre, as well as a place where you can play football, volleyball and basketball.
Student clubs
There are 13 student associations at TUIASI – BEST, AIESEC and one for each of the 11 faculties – dedicated to promoting students’ rights, extracurricular and non-formal learning and, of course, having lots of fun.
These organisations often hold a variety of cultural and professional events, like workshops, shows, trips and sports competitions.
Any student can enrol in the organisation that best suits his needs and can then participate in fun and educational activities, ranging from workshops and mentoring sessions to big, city-wide student festivals – like Studentiada (loosely translated as The Students’ Run) – with music, sports and cultural activities
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI) is classified as a university of advanced research and education whose mission is to develop specific activities for creating, innovative capitalisation of knowledge and to ensure the transfer of these achievements towards the society both on fundamental areas as Engineering Sciences, Architecture and Urbanism and in interdisciplinary and complementary fields, at local, regional, national and international level.
The quality of education within TUIASI has been assessed by ARACIS, Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, in 2009, also in 2012. After these evaluations, TUIASI has received the highest recognition – high degree of confidence