When John Hughes, coadjutor bishop (later archbishop) of New York, established Fordham as St. John’s College on June 24, 1841, he considered it a “daring and dangerous undertaking”—not least because he initially lacked the funds to purchase the land where he saw a great university taking root.
- Fordham is a place where our core curriculum helps you to develop a capacity for critical thought before you ever choose a major.
- Fordham is a stepping stone to the world, which you’ll find through endless opportunities in New York City.
- The real strength of a Fordham education comes from a much deeper place—the five-century-old tradition of Jesuit education that infuses every part of the Fordham experience. It’s a tradition that encourages curiosity, introspection and, most importantly, action—to reach out, to settle injustice, to leave a healing mark.
- This isn’t about reading books and memorizing facts: Your education is dynamic, challenging you to understand contexts as much as concepts.
Fordham's Undergraduate Research Journal
- The Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, or FURJ, is a student-run journal that features high quality, peer-reviewed, original research.
Bronx Science Consortium, Fordham Partner in Research
- Fordham and four of our neighbors in the Bronx have created a new model for scientific research, education, and community engagement.
- The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences is pleased to support the research efforts of students. Find the right grant for your graduate level research.
The formative experiences you will have at Fordham, from study abroad to service opportunities to simply being challenged and inspired by your professors and fellow students, will change you in ways that may feel hard to put into words.Whether we’re helping you edit your resume, find an internship, network with employers, or learn about new developments in our rapidly-changing economy, everything we do is based on the Fordham Futures model. To put it simply, we work to help you:
- become aware of what your skills are
- see how they apply to the world of work
- learn how they differentiate you from other candidates for your career of choice
Fordham University Scholarships
Below you will find scholarships related to Fordham University. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.
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University Ranking
Student services
Each undergraduate campus has a Dean of Students. The Dean works with, educates, and supports students and oversees an area of the University known as Student Life, a part of the Division of Student Affairs concerned mainly with student experience outside the classroom and overseen by the Associate Vice President.Student Life is generally comprised of the Office of Residential Life, the Office for Student Involvement and the Substance Abuse Prevention/Alcohol and Other Drug Education Programs at each campus. Programs and services in this area include student conduct, housing, orientation, student club and organization advising, leadership development and counseling intervention.
Housing services
Accommodations must be requested at the beginning of each semester by filling out an Accommodation Form through our online system, AIM, and submitting it to the office. You will be given this online access information at your intake appointment.It is the student’s responsibility to contact the office in regards to accommodations in the semester he or she requires services. Requests for Accommodations or academic modifications should be made to the Director of Disability Services, Mary Byrnes, at disabilityservices@fordham.edu. Adjustments will be made in conjunction with members of the faculty and respective academic deans
Library services
The Fordham University Libraries are at three major locations: the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx; the Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan; and the Westchester Campus Library in Harrison. Fordham University Libraries own more than 2,000,000 volumes and subscribe to over 15,500 periodicals and 50,000 electronic journals and is a depository for United States Government documents.
Medical services
University Health Services provides accessible and high quality health care services to Fordham University Students. It is our goal that students will develop an understanding of dealing with their own health, both physical and mental. We provide education to students with the expectation that this knowledge will enable them to live healthy life styles, promote wellness.
Campus life
New York is your campus. Fordham is your school. Our residence halls are your home. The sense of community that shapes so much of your college experience starts from the moment you move in, meet your roommates for the first time, and figure out where to put your family photos.
Sports facilities
One of the best aspects of a great college experience is a strong sense of community, plenty of school spirit, and tradition. During Fordham's 175 years in existence, the University has passed down many traditions that have built a community that lasts lifetimes. Some of these traditions include:
- President's Ball
- Family Weekend
- Winter Ball
- Under the Tent
- The Festival of Lessons and Carols
- Midnight Breakfast
- Senior Week
- Encaenia
- Jubilee
Student clubs
Fordham is your university. It is you, the students, who give your university its unique character and identity. This personality is reflected in the many student groups and activities found on campus. Membership is your ticket to an insider's view to this wonderfully diverse student population. Joining an organization actually brings many benefits:
- Development of leadership skills
- Practical hands-on experience
- Planning of campus events
- Preparation for life's challenges
- Sharing of common interests and experiences
- Lasting friendships
Fordham University is a member of the Middle States Association of the Commission of Higher Education ("Middle States"), a non-governmental membership association that accredits colleges and universities within its geographical purview via peer evaluation . Since 1921, Middle States has periodically reviewed the University’s operations in order to ensure compliance with its standards, outlined in Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education.
The most recent re-accreditation process cuminated in April 2016 following a 3-year-long self-study by a steering committee of Fordham faculty and administrators. The self-study report provides an extensive compilation of information and analysis about Fordham.