Radboud University

Radboud University

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Top reasons to study here

  • International recognition - Radboud University is in the top one percent of universities in the world.
  • Personal approach - Our personal style of teaching offers you plenty of opportunity to work closely with leading researchers and excellent teachers.
  • Extensive freedom of choice - You decide which specialisation and subject choice is most appropriate for you.


Radboud University Nijmegen was established on 17 October 1923 under the name Catholic University Nijmegen. With their own university, Dutch Catholics sought to promote the emancipation of Roman Catholics in the Netherlands, who at that time were strongly underrepresented in public administration, the legal profession, medicine and other sectors.


Radboud University challenges its students to actively participate in the academic community and trains them to be critical and committed academics, with their own views regarding scholarship and society, who will take up responsible positions in a society which is becoming increasingly internationalised.

The university’s academic staff come from all over the world, and a large proportion of our student population has spent at least some months studying at a university abroad.

For its core activities of research and teaching, Radboud University draws its inspiration from academic curiosity and the demands placed upon the university by society.


The research profile of Radboud University has two main components: an academic and a societal profile. The academic profile covers the academic disciplines in which the University is engaged and the sub-disciplines in which it excels. The societal profile covers the societal themes with which the University is connected through its academic research. 

Our top people are not buried away in their research groups – they derive their strength from a continuous exchange of ideas and results with others working in related areas. We have several major research institutes, each offering outstanding potential to students and researchers alike.

Radboud University Scholarships

Below you will find scholarships related to Radboud University. Distinction can be made between scholarships provided by the University and those provided by independent providers.

For a complete overview of scholarships for Radboud University, visit our scholarship search.

University Ranking

Academic Ranking of World Universities by Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ARWU World University rankings is the first world university ranking. It ranks the world's top 1000 colleges and universities based on objective indicator.
World University Rankings by Times Higher Education
143 -3
140 -1
World University Rankings is a vital resource that provides the definitive list of the world's best universities.
QS World University Rankings by TopUniversities
272 -50
222 10
QS World University Rankings is one of the top international rankings measuring the popularity and performance of universities all over the world.
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report
117 -11
Best Global Universities Rankings by U.S. News & World Report presents all the top universities from the U.S. and 60 other countries around the world.

Housing services

Most students in Nijmegen live in student complexes and student houses, share an apartment or rent a room in a house with a landlady or landlord. All rooms are private rooms (without roommates), but usually the kitchen and bathroom facilities are shared. 

The large majority of the accommodation offered is mixed accommodation, which means men and women live in the same corridor and (if applicable) share the facilities. A few women-only corridors are offered as well. The rent for these rooms can run up to €500 per month or more. However, rental prices of most rooms are between €370 and €450 per month.

Library services

In partnership with researchers, university teachers, students and administrators of Radboud University the library delivers services and products that best meet teaching and research needs. The library ensures:

  • Sufficient critical mass of academic information by expanding its range of digital sources.
  • Storage and visibility of university's academic research output in Radboud Repository.

ICT services

ICT services provides IT services to the academic community. Radboud’s digital library can also be used off campus. You can download SPSS (Apple, Linux, Windows), EndNote (Windows) and Atlas.ti (Windows) on SURFspot (click the British flag). 

Radboud University staff members and students can download F-secure for free on SURFspot. 

Campus life

Radboud University offers a wide range of facilities. All the university’s facilities are concentrated together on the one square kilometre of the former Heyendael estate: the lecture rooms and research labs, the University Hospital, the libraries, offices, the accommodation for student organisations, the sports centre, the cafes and cafeterias, the guesthouse, a supermarket and a book shop.

Radboud University is building a lush, lively Heyendaal campus. It is a campus in which a landscape of grass, paths, and trees form a cohesive whole together with the buildings. With the recently acquired Berchmanianum property, the campus consists of roughly 100 hectares.

Sports facilities

Clear your mind after a long day, be active with friends, improve your health, push your boundaries or just feel good about yourself. Whatever motivates you to get up and moving, Radboud Sports Centre is the perfect place! With more than 80 different sports, long opening hours and professional coaching we offer a wide range of possibilities for everyone. Change perspective, be active!

Student clubs

Nijmegen will have a new student organisation called ISN Nijmegen. 

At the beginning of each semester there is an Orientation week. Depending on the semester, this Orientation includes fun activities such as: tours of the university and the city, sporting events, parties, etc. By participating in this programme you will quickly get to know both Nijmegen and Radboud University, and make new friends from around the world!

If you are going to study at Radboud University and want to be kept updated on new activities and get in contact with other students, please join the Radboud International Students.


NVAO is entrusted by law to accredit all existing Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes and to validate new study programmes at government-funded institutions of higher education and at institutions approved (but not funded) by the Dutch government. 

With regard to the nature of accreditation in higher education, the Netherlands and Flanders (Flemish-speaking Belgium) have opted for accreditation at the level of study programmes. NVAO has laid down accreditation frameworks for this purpose for Flanders and the Netherlands.


Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

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